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No More Toothache with Dental.m
(Published by a medical journalist on Korean News, 7 June 2009)

I often want to chew on a small piece of ice to cool off in the heat or enjoy some cold noodles, particularly in the summer. However, these foods are not always enjoyable particularly when I suffer from dentin hypersensitivity (sensitive teeth).

Dentin hypersensitivity is a special cause of tooth decay and gingivitis. Any light stimulant can cause its toothache like symptoms. In extreme cases, drinking water or brushing our teeth can cause pain.

Regularly, the enamel (protective covering of the tooth surface) covers the dentin while the tooth is exposed tissue surface. When the enamel is gone, this structure directly stimulates the nerve causing the pain. Unlike hard enamel, dentin is soft and any light stimulant sends neurons directly to our senses, causing the immense pain.

Dentin hypersensitivity is caused by a variety of factors. Director of Dental Hospital, Jeon, explains, ¡°brushing habits or bad habits such as chewing food excessively by the teeth and gums, gingivitis, or aging receding gums expose the tooth roots. Badly worn teeth, cracked teeth also allows easy damage to the dentin.¡±

Toothache, is not a big problem in itself. However, causes of sensitive teeth such as exposed roots, if neglected will eventually lead to gum diseases. However, it is hard for dentists to determine the exact cause and much less to take any appropriate treatment measure.

It is also complicated. For example, dentists may want to treat with regular scaling, plaque and gums to prevent inflammation and hoping that regular scaling wouldn¡¯t invite inflammation. Broken teeth or fillings complicate the matter. Further medication and adhesive coating will be necessary.

In addition, toothbrush and toothpaste could also wear down your teeth. Most whitening toothpaste contains a lot of ingredients harmful for the teeth and should be avoided.

Fortunately, M&H recently introduced a new treatment for sensitive teeth ? Dental.m laser toothbrush, uses a low-level laser to clean teeth. When directed at exposed parts of the gums, it naturally applies a thin shields, protecting the dentin and revitalizing the enamel.

St Mary¡¯s Hospital, Catholic University, Seoul, Professor of Dental conducted clinical trials on 87 patients and results showed a 77% improvement in sensitive teeth symptoms.

Dental.m laser toothbrush is also approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and efficacy.

Learn more about Dental.m ».


M&H l Dentin hypersensitivity l Laser tooth whitening l Teeth bleaching kits l Tooth whitening kits l Tooth whitener l sitemap